7th Faisalabad Literary Festival 2020
The seventh edition of the annual Faisalabad Literary Festival commenced…
Interloop joins the Organic Cotton Accelerator’s global platform
Interloop always endeavors to build a sustainable world through positive…
Health and Safety at the workplace is about promoting well-being and…
28th Annual General Meeting, Interloop Limited
The 28th Annual General Meeting of Interloop Limited was held on Thursda…
Target Modernize Owned Brand Approach Award 2020
Our esteemed customer, Target, has acknowledged Interloop for its…
Let’s Fight Alzheimer
“Let’s Fight Alzheimer” is a slogan very close to our hearts at Interloop. Being…
Performance Award 2019 by Adidas, 4th Time In A Row
Interloop Limited won the A&G Performance Award 2019 in People…
O2 High Flow Respiratory Humidifiers for FMU
Whether it’s our internal or external community, Interloop has always stoo…
Interloop Need Based Scholarship Program 2020-2024 at GCWUF
As per previous practice, Interloop Limited has started Need-Based…
Facing it Together: COVID – 19
The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic on Ma…