Inland Study Tour – 49th Pakistan Navy War College Staff Course

As part of their Inland Study Tour to acquaint officers with the business practices and industrial potential of Pakistan, the delegates of the 49th Pakistan Navy Staff Course, comprising of senior Pakistani and Allied Countries’ Navy, Army & Air Force Officers and Faculty Members, headed by Rear Admiral Zahid Ilyas HI(M) S BT, Commandant Pakistan Navy War College, Lahore visited Interloop Limited on 5 October, 2019.

Muhammad Shahzad, GM & Plant Head and Humayun Javed, Head of Corporate Communication Interloop Limited welcomed the guests at Interloop Industrial Park (IIP), Faisalabad. The delegation was briefed about Interloop Limited and its business operations. After tea, the delegation visited Knit-to-Pack operations and witnessed the compete socks manufacturing process. They appreciated the scale of operations, quality production systems and international best practices and found the visit quite a learning experience.